Sack Head Jason Vorhees

This Zombie figure is available in Series 3 bling bags. The figure, when unmasked, is a zombie, which resembles the cameo of Jason at the end of the original Friday the 13th (his mother was the killer in the original.) In the sequel, Jason gets in on the fun, wearing a bag or sack on his head, with a single eye-hole.
It is not until Part 7 then Jason uses a weed-eater/weed-whacker type weapon. There is a YouTube clip at the below… it is not very gory, but it’s not suitable for young Imaginext fans.
And just in case all these references to a single-eye holed, sack head, weed-whacker wielding zombie is not enough to convince you, Imaginext posted this message one Friday the 13th to all their fans.