M.U.S.C.L.E.’s Muscleman & Terri-Bull

Imaginext Mystery Series 11 brings us the two exclusive M.U.S.C.L.E. figures from the “Hard Knockin’ Rockin’ Ring Wrestling Arena,” Muscleman and Terri-Bull. The resemblance is unmistakable… the faces, the classic pink color, and the flexible bodies. Only DC’s Plastic Man and the Yellow Crash Test Dummy have these flexible bodies.

Nathan’s Muscle Blog has some great history and images of the ring. You can also check out some detailed images of Muscleman & Terri-Bull on MuscleFigures.com. Scroll all the way down to #234 & #235.

Hordak’s Bat Shield

Hordak was given a bat-shaped shield and a crossbow. The shield looks like a live, perched bat, and its usefulness as a shield is questionable, but it is his original part from the Mattel Masters of the Universe. There are some great product images, along with the Hordak creation story on the Battle Ram Blog.

Imaginext’s third series of mystery bags features a Vampire, front and center, with a very familiar bat perched on his arm. The Vampire’s bat has no stripe/ridge down the center of its face, but the sharp eyes, pointy nostrils. distinctive color, wing position and arm clip feet sculpt prove this is no accident.

While no current figures have heads sculpted as uniquely as Hordak, when and if they plan to make him, he has an accessory ready to go.

You can find the Vampire figure inside the larger Halloween Monster themed pack.


The Imaginext Space themed Alpha Blade is a suspected reference to Skeletor’s Roton.

The Roton is a Masters of the Universe vehicle which is used by the villains in the series. The vehicle is fitted around the circumference with razor-sharp blades. The blades whirl around as the vehicle travels. Atop the vehicle are mounted two laser guns.

A few color tweaks, and additions to the cockpit mold, and a future MotU Imaginext line will have it’s first vehicle ready to go!